I am driven to make pictures.

When I’m away from the camera, I miss it painfully; and when I’m behind it, I could say I feel most at home.

Throughout my 30 year career in advertising, work has taken me to some of the world’s most visually electric places. Many of them, I lack the words to speak with. They are places that a Cubs fan should have no business knowing. But, camera in hand, I carry my means to translate.

What do I go looking for? Surprises, beauty, answers. I try to bottle the charged moments, when things bare their quiet truths.

What fascinates me? How growth and decay wear the same musty perfume, the world’s rituals and relics, and the way its boundless enormity still volunteers a gentle embrace. I’m lured by clues others leave behind.

This is the story not of a wanderer, but an occasional inhabitant.